Delta / 三角

3 Percussionists / 三個敲擊樂手

Deltas are formed by the hard-working rivers, breaking through obstacles on their way, bringing soil towards the river mouth, and disappear into the ocean. Pitched instruments’ melody and harmony is constructed by the interval of a perfect 4th and a minor 3rd at the beginning, and develops to a perfect 5th and major 3rd. The piece is begins with a motif depicting the running water, moving towards the river mouth. Another motif is then introduced depicting the clash between the running water and boulders, reaching its first climax. Then the two motifs alternate depicting the running water crashing on to more boulders, bringing more tiny pebbles towards the sea, reaching the second climax. Then the water arrives the river mouth, putting down their burden and disappear into the peaceful sea.

三角洲的形成,全靠河流的努力,衝破擋住他們的障礙,一點一點的將泥土帶到河口,湧出大海。固定音高樂器的旋律及和弦開始時以四度及小三度音程構成,其後演變為五度及大三度音程。 樂曲以模仿流水的主題開始,描寫水向河口進發。另一主題隨後出現,描寫水衝擊岩石,並將樂曲推至第一高潮。流水不斷衝擊岩石,把碎石帶往河口 , 兩個主題互相交替,將樂曲推至第二高潮。流水終於到達河口,放下「心頭大石」,散落平靜的大海。

Revised: 10.2017
Premiere: 16/10/2017
楊清嵐 Yeung Ching Laam Michael
伍展博 Ng Chin Pok Bevis
車曉嵐 Che Hiu Lam Bryony